Habits, Quirks, and Mannerisms for Characters

Since I’m making a list for my own purposes, I figured I can share these ideas with others as well to help them! Some a generic, just skimmed from books and other lists. Some I have observed from the people around me. I don’t have a whole lot of habits that are modern-based (like checking phones) because I tend to write fantasy.

Physical Mannerisms

  1. Stands too close in conversation
  2. Likes to touch the other person they converse with
  3. Maintains space in conversation (moves away when someone comes nearer)
  4. Grabs other people when laughing
  5. Grabs other people when scared
  6. Can’t stand still/paces
  7. Fidgets with jewelry or clothes
  8. Clasps hands behind or in front of self
  9. Doesn’t maintain eye contact
  10. Rubs hands
  11. Rubs eyes or face frequently
  12. Picks at lips
  13. Bites lips
  14. Keeps hands in pockets
  15. Skips instead of walks
  16. Touches everything
  17. Slow walker
  18. Taps foot
  19. Gesticulates wildly when talking
  20. Pulls at parts of clothing or rests hands on parts of clothing, like lapels or straps
  21. Tongue goes to the roof of the mouth when thinking
  22. “Writes” things in the air with their finger when trying to work things out
  23. Pursing or puckering lips when thinking
  24. Pointing when annoyed or angry
  25. Puts a hand to their heart
  26. Rubs fingers on palms of same hand

Speech Mannerisms

  1. Interrupts people constantly
  2. Talks constantly, but mumbles so that no one else hears them
  3. Talks to themselves
  4. Has verbal tics such as “um” or “like”
  5. Laughs awkwardly, at things that aren’t funny
  6. Mispronounces certain words
  7. …And doesn’t care that they do
  8. Coughs or sniffs a lot, but isn’t sick
  9. Uses pet names
  10. Starts many conversations with a disclaimer like: “you didn’t hear this from me” or “I’m not one to be ugly, but…”
  11. Has a speech impediment such as a stutter or a lisp
  12. …but only when nervous
  13. Apologizes a lot
  14. Misuses certain words
  15. “Well, actually…”
  16. Likes to give out fun facts
  17. Has a very distinctive laugh (snorts, flails, etc.)
  18. Bangs on objects near them to emphasize points
  19. Points or gesticulates before forming the words to speak, trying to draw attention
  20. Greets others in a different-than-normal fashion, such as pointing at them and saying “you!” or giving bear hugs
  21. Has certain words or phrases that almost become catchphrases, “allonsy!”
  22. Repeats words over and over while trying to get their point out. “Wait wait wait wait wait… hold on, just wait…”
  23. Using several synonyms in a row to emphasize – ejudicate- highlight a point.
  24. Overenuciation


  1. Knuckle-cracking
  2. Nail biting
  3. Nail tapping/finger drumming
  4. Checking watch
  5. Foot tapping/leg jiggling
  6. Plays with hair (tucks it behind ear)
  7. Puts on chapstick frequently
  8. Hums or whistles
  9. Sings along to songs when they’re playing
  10. Uses a toothpick often
  11. Doodles
  12. Compulsive eating habits (such as eating from the outside to the center or having to tear apart food and eating in small bits, etc.)
  13. Fiddles with glasses, such as taking them off repeatedly or pushing them up your nose
  14. Licking lips frequently

Random Traits

  1. Can’t swim
  2. Handed-ness (right, left, ambidextrous)
  3. Always hot/cold
  4. Superstitious
  5. Forgetful
  6. Always late/early
  7. Collects useless things like rocks
  8. Conspiracy theorist
  9. Can/can’t cook
  10. Hates/loves children
  11. Phobias

I’m sure I’ll come up with more later.